Our Cattle
Experience the difference when animals, land, and people grow and thrive together in a healthy environment.
Environmental Stewardship & Animal Welfare
In the Rocky Mountains of Montana, you will find our ranch full of love and life.
We run a dominant Black Angus cow herd with Hereford influence to help maximize production efficiency. Our cows calve at the beginning of April through the end of May. Our calves are born out on the open range to ensure a clean natural environment. We check cows every 2 hours during calving season to make sure mom and baby are doing well. For newborn calves, each calf is given an identification tag and a vaccination. This process is similar to a human flu shot. Ensuring a healthy start to life directly impacts the premium quality of Beef we offer.
The cows do much of the work by themselves. But, it is our job to make sure everyone stays happy and healthy. By keeping everyone happy, allows us to make sure they are reaching their full potential.
We work with a local veterinarian and nutrition consultant to ensure they continue to stay healthy and receive quality forage. In addition, we supplement with minerals 365 days a year to make sure the cows are getting their vitamins. This process is essential for mom and baby to maintain their health and lower the risk for disease.
Every year, our cows travel 200 miles from the winter range to the lush summer pastures in the Crazy Mountains of Montana. In the Rocky Mountains, they spend six months grazing the tall, green mountain pastures. The cows love fresh mountain water and the cooler weather. We monitor the forage and rotate the cows around to different pastures to maximize forage production and health.
By having the cows graze the land, we can benefit the plant lifecycle, reduce the risk of fire, and maintain the cow's health. Grazing helps restore the mineral cycle of the plant by allowing the cows to push the organic matter back into the soil. In return, this increases energy flow and the water cycle for the land. In addition, the hoof action of the cattle breaks up the hard panning of the soil; this helps the land better utilize rain by having soil disturbances for the water to pool and soak into the ground rather than create run-off and erosion. Overall, this provides a benefit for the land as well as the health of the cattle.
Our cattle spend their lives roaming the rich hills and valleys of Southwest Montana. We take environmental stewardship and animal welfare seriously by continuously implementing new technologies and land management practices to ensure the highest quality BEEF!